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Publié par Sandy Créa Démonstratrice Stampin'Up!

Hi everyone, for the first project from All about Layering 1 I choose the stamps set Bild-A-Flower Dahlia.Nicole explains very well how layering the differents stamps and I was inspiring when I received my new Bild-A-Flower stamps set for this month.That why I start to play with this set after try again and again to layering the colors with my friends : the arrows :) .It's more simple with them.
Thanks Nicole for this tip.

Bonjour à tous, pour mon project issu du cours All about Layering 1 du Programme Altenew, j'ai choisi le set de tampon Bild-A-Flower Dahlia.

I start with the outline stamp in Jet Black and I continue with the layering stamps with , for the flowers, Dew Drops, Aqualicious and Teal Cave inks.For the leaves I choose Frayed Leaf, Forest Glades and Evergreen.

J'ai cmmencé par faire le contour des fleurs et des feuilles avec de l'encre noire puis pour les fleurs ,j'ai utilisé les encres Dew Drops,Aqualicious et Teal Cave.pour les feuilles ,j'ai utilisé les encres Frayed Leaf, Forest Glades et Evergreen.

I add the sentiment in jet black ink and to finish my card I glue some glass drops in blue and green.I stick my card on a turquoise cardstock.And my card is finished

J'ai ajouté un sentiment avec de l'encre Jet Black et collé quelques embellisements en verre bleus et verts.J'ai collé ma carte à de la cardstock turquoise .et ma carte est finie.

Here are some close up photos.I hope you enjoy and inspire

Voici quelques photos de plus près

[Altenew] Sandrine/All about Layering 1 : Bild A flower Dahlia
[Altenew] Sandrine/All about Layering 1 : Bild A flower Dahlia
[Altenew] Sandrine/All about Layering 1 : Bild A flower Dahlia
[Altenew] Sandrine/All about Layering 1 : Bild A flower Dahlia
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Lovely submission! I also agree with Erum. Please make the photo a bit brighter and size a bit larger. Your card is nicely done with good craftsmanship. I am so glad that you enter your beautiful work in Altenew AECP assignment Gallery. Awesome details and design! Super work! (I will follow up with e-mails).
Hi Virginia.I'm happy that you like my project.Yes my photos aren't so professionnal.I try to make some of them after work day with day lignt .It'll be better.The cover image is the photo in a large focus to see the inks .But you're right I'll make photo that focus on card instead
Hi Erum.Ok I'll change my tittle.Yes I'm Sandrine JEANSOULÉ.I made the photos last night ,so I'll make some else after my work day.Thanks for your help
Hi!<br /> When you submit your project to the gallery, title should include your name and the course name. Example, "Erum Tasneem: Layering 1". Right now I can make out from your blog that you are Sandy and this means your name is Sandrine J.? I am just assuming this, please correct me if I am wrong by writing back to me.<br /> Your project looks lovely, but I will suggest you brighten your photos a bit. You can do this on your phone too :) As you move forward, I will guide you further.<br /> Thanks so much for entering your beautiful work in the AECP assignment Gallery. Beautiful colors and design. Well done!
Apologies. The title should include your name + COURSE name. Typo in the first comment.