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Publié par Sandy Créa Démonstratrice Stampin'Up!


Welcome to the Ink.Stamp.Share Monthly Blog Hop .
This month ,the theme is Christmas packaging.
I would like to share with you an Idea to offer an Take your pick and the coordinating box

Here are some photos:

Ink.Stamp.Share Blog Hop: Christmas Packaging
Ink.Stamp.Share Blog Hop: Christmas Packaging
Ink.Stamp.Share Blog Hop: Christmas Packaging

For the next Blog, please click on the Next button ( https://www.stampingthecape.com/blog/2018/11/iss-blog-hop-christmas-packaging.html?fbclid=IwAR1PCNLSaNfUHfxQrGt9Rcy2pNu5QP0GBX8ko323erhXDWVNm_NLQoYQEHg )

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